Tarot Guidelines & Mystic Rose Ethics

On this page, I’ll outline my basic ethical guidelines and approach to reading the tarot.

  1. All readings are meant for informational and entertainment purposes only. They are not a substitute for professional medical care, legal counsel, or professional mental health counselling. We do not give advice in areas for which we are unqualified.

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2. We only read tarot cards with CONSENT. We do not pull cards to see how others are thinking, feeling, or doing. We only read tarot cards from a place of your EMPOWERMENT. Your reading is for you and you alone.

3. Just going to repeat my point about EMPOWERMENT because it needs to be heard. We will not be looking at things like, “will my boyfriend propose to me?” for example, we will look at how you can support yourself to have a loving and communicative long-term relationship.

4. If we talk about masculine and feminine energies—this is old, stunted and unfortunate language that has NOTHING to do with gender at all and we are endeavouring to find language more suitable for our purposes moving forward.

5. We believe in and support your FREE WILL and honour you as a sovereign being.

6. All peoples are welcome for a reading and we will do our best to hold space for clients from all walks of life: cultural, spiritual, religious, gender identity, body, ability, and sexuality.

7. We continually recognize our own privileges and limitations based on our heritage and experience and are working to unlearn systemic patriarchal and racist beliefs.

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