Tarot Reader
I Pulled A Tarot Card Every Day For 30 Days

I Pulled A Tarot Card Every Day For 30 Days

I never thought I would consult the cards on the daily, but apparently I can. I pulled a card every day for 30 days and what happened was incredible. Not only did I reconnect to myself in a way I haven’t felt before, but it also opened me up to new avenues of exploration and reaffirmed my life’s purpose. If you’re wondering how to read a tarot card every day and what that even looks like, then I can’t wait to break it down for you.

With a day job, I didn’t think that I had the time for tarot every day.  But in May 2020 all of us had a bit more time to ourselves and time to slow down. I used the time to do Sacred Jane’s May 2020 Challenge.

So Haley Jane is a Vancouver Tarot Card Reader,  I've gotten my cards read by her once before in person. I’ve been following her on Instagram and I like that the work she does and feel inspired by watching her evolution and growth.

She did a Tarot Challenge post and shared that this was the first time ever she would do a tarot challenge. When I saw it, I thought, “Oh my goodness, it’s perfect.”

I knew right away that it would give me some structure and accountability that I was looking for and would be a safe container for me to dive deep.

So even though tarot challenges have been around for a while, this is the first one that I've ever been called to. I followed my inspiration. I joined up and then on the first of May I started a month-long journey.

Haley created questions and prompts for each of the 30 days. Some of the questions were really juicy and relatable for me. They connected with the work that I do so well it was almost like I had written them.

On the flip side, some of the questions were a bit out there for me. Questions about asking archangels like Raphael and Michael for guidance and what’s a message for you from the faery realm?

These were questions I’ve never even thought to ask because I don’t work with these spiritual disciplines.

However, it was really cool to try. Without expectation, what came through for me with those questions was striking.

I’m going to show you all the posts from the month and you can see how some are definitely juicier than others and a few really clear themes from the month pop out. Whether you’re just starting out on your tarot journey or a long-time reader, I think everyone should try a tarot challenge out and see what they learn about themselves.

This 30-day journey left me full of confidence in myself. I feel like I’m more clear on my life’s purpose now and what the next steps are. It’s shown me some strengths and weaknesses I wasn’t aware of and I’m so proud of myself for not giving up and continuing to show up for myself every single day.

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