Tarot Reader
Mystic Rose 2021 Tarot Spread For The Year Ahead

Mystic Rose 2021 Tarot Spread For The Year Ahead

Another year is soon to be in the rear-view mirror. We made a 2021 Tarot Spread so that we can look at what’s next for us and dream about a world beyond 2020.

So, this year was a lot. Looking back one year ago when I did a spread for 2020, I wasn’t thinking about global circumstances. I was thinking about each of us on our own journeys. The card for the year was the three of wands….expansive...looking ahead...building an empire.

I think all of us took big steps towards our life purpose in 2020 and I’m so proud of you for not just surviving but thriving.

For me, it was a year of experimenting and literally stepping into the unknown. There was that time I pulled a tarot card every day for a month and turned up the heat on my intuition. There was the time I went without coffee for six weeks just to see what would happen...and it ended up bringing me more into alignment with my divine feminine energy.

And, a bit of personal news about me, I actually lost what I thought was my dream job as a journalist and I don’t know what’s next. It’s been a year filled with all kinds of uncertainty and I’ve been asked to be calm, still, centred, focused on my purpose amidst actual chaos.

I think that all that we’ve learned and developed in the past year is going to really help us as we move forward into the Age of Aquarius on December 21 and beyond.

With that in mind, let’s dive into the 2021 spread. I used the Mystic Mondays deck because I love how clear and colourful it is. We could use more clarity and colour next year!

Tarot Card For 2021: IX The Hermit

Hermit Tarot Card Mystic Mondays

The card for the year ahead is number 9, The Hermit. I would say that this seems to echo the year we just had. Many of us were stuck inside, and many more of us were mostly alone. I can even see the kind of boxy shape in the card reminds me of my little studio apartment!

The message is that we're going to be here. We're going to stay in this until we've learned what we need to learn about ourselves. Even though we were alone at home for a while, did you truly get past the survival state and move into the true thrive energy? It’s also okay if you didn’t, FYI.

Did you actually embrace the opportunity of not being around other people's energies and thoughts all the time? The Hermit card is coming up for us next year because we're going to really own this energy.

We're going to almost welcome it. We're gonna look at it as a beautiful opportunity to dive into ourselves. We’re going to learn what we need to get by and what we can do without, shedding it like snakes shedding their skin.

2021 is going to be full of introspection. soul-searching, evolution and letting go. In 2020, we were perhaps just getting over the initial shock of the new normal, now we’re going to find our place in it by going within.

January 2021 Tarot Card: Judgment 

Mystic Mondays Tarot Deck

January will be very reflective. We’re going to almost atone for how we acted and behaved in 2020. The bill for the lifestyle you’ve had for the past few months is coming due. Look at what’s served you and what can go as we’re entering a new year.

This is the month where we all set New Year's Resolutions and we kind of look back at how we did in the last cycle. Some of us might look back and say, “Wow, I didn't actually get to do all those things I wanted to do in quarantine.” Some of us are going to look back and think “Thank goodness I started that new hobby, I feel so blessed to have Zoom meetings with my friends every month now.”

February 2021 Tarot Card: The World

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This is going to be a great month. Projects and goals will be coming to completion. We’ll be ticking off everything on our list and invited to not only celebrate our accomplishments but also to look forward and be hopeful for the future again.

What I love about this card is that it’s almost like a vacation card so you’ll be either literally getting some time off to explore (will travel restrictions be loosened?) or life is going to be such smooth sailing that your day to day has beech vaycay vibes.

We can tap into this more even to invite this energy forward. When’s the last time you made yourself a margarita and read a trashy book? Let’s try and take a beat this month and toast ourselves.

March 2021 Tarot Card: Five of Cups

five of cups

This month is going to feel a bit lacking. We might even feel some sadness, grief, or even remorse. It seems like everything should be going well, but it's somehow not. This card points to setbacks, losses, and thinking you were further along but finding yourself “back to square one.”

I think we're going to be in our feelings a lot in March. Honestly, we're just going to have to ride the emotional waves that come. It's going to be a bit of a rollercoaster.

So, let’s take care of ourselves and make sure that in those super-low points that we're doing the best we can to take care of ourselves. At those high points, let’s be grateful for everything that's going well and maybe even putting in a little bit of effort to sustain ourselves for when the dip comes again.

April 2021 Tarot Card: Nine of Swords

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It’s going to feel like everyone's against you. It's going to feel like other people are telling you what you should do with your body and with your time.

The way that I typically read swords is that they can be dangerous or intrusive thoughts about how we’re supposed to live our lives, especially our own self-limiting beliefs or fears. Also…things will probably FEEL worse than they really are even though these threats are imagined.

Continue the self-care you did in March and transform it into healing. Maybe get some acupuncture, get a tarot reading, or open up to a friend about your struggles.

May 2021 Tarot Card: Princess of Pentacles

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In late spring, we have this really cool evolution starting to happen. The Princess of Pentacles represents the seeds of something. An idea blossoming of how you’ll earn money or even a new step in your career. Possibly even a new home or living situation.

This is a person you know or an energy inside yourself that is patient, grounded, and hopeful. It’s filled with vitality and spark and a desire to see if their dream of the future can be brought into the material reality.

Advice for this month is to say yes to new opportunities, to develop any skills that you feel you’ll need to have to pursue these dreams and prepare for the work!

June 2021 Tarot Card: Queen of Pentacles

queen of pentacles

Then the following month, we get the Queen of Pentacles. So this tells me that there's going to be a lot of movement, a lot of traction, a lot of things happening, a lot of alignment coming our way.

This quick evolution from Princess to Queen tells me that we could have an idea in May and then June is when we’re actually enacting it and running it with integrity. Enjoy this month and all the beautiful blessings it's bringing…or, rather, all the blessings that you've created.

Just to reiterate, pentacles are the suit of money, career, finance, skills, anything we do that brings money into our house. It's also earthy energy, so grounding nature this could be. Something that you're creating that will establish a future for you and your family, possibly even.

July 2021 Tarot Card: The Star

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In July, we're going to be entering this star energy, which is a beautiful healing energy. Reflecting on the first half of the year, there were some rough points so this is a welcome message.

I bet that we're going to be spending time with others more as we move into summer and connecting and passing on all this healing energy that we're embodying.

What's beautiful about the star is that it represents hope for the future and whatever you’ve been busy building or working on with that matured pentacles energy in the previous two months is going to be successful.

Read More: How Do I Read Tarot Cards For My Relationship?

August 2021 Tarot Card: Two of Wands

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There’s a fresh new idea and a promise of an adventure…but it will ask a lot from you. Just as they say you can’t win the lottery if you don’t buy a ticket, you can’t experience any growth if you don’t leave your comfort zone.

This opportunity or fresh idea or new passion of yours will take you on a wild ride. Full of vitality, you’re not going to be exactly sure where you’re going but hopefully, you’re ready to walk the path.

September 2021 Tarot Card: Six of Wands

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Your efforts have paid off and everyone’s noticing. See how proud and triumphant the figure on the card is? Don’t you want to feel that fearless joy? It’s going to feel like you can’t be stopped this month.

Like you’re zooming towards your destiny and even though you welcome the praise…you don’t actually care what others think because you’re following your passions. Well done, you!

October 2021 Tarot Card: The Moon


 This month we're going to be way, way more introspective and slow. Things are going to start coming up for us when we're able to get into this reflective space.

These are probably truths about ourselves that we haven't looked at yet this year that are going to start to bubble to the surface. Since it’s a bit slower with not as much action as you had in the late spring and summer. This is actually exactly what you need. It’s time to get some space to reflect on where you’ve been and where you’re headed.

Things always look different in the night than they do in the light of day. We’re going to look at what’s going on with us and see them in a new (moon)light. When the lights are out….is your dream still your dream? Is it everything you wanted it to be? I think that we're going to find some really juicy answers here if we can get still enough to listen.

November 2021 Tarot Card: The High Priestess


So all that reflecting we did in the Moon energy card has up levelled our intuitive abilities. We're going to start to see exactly what’s up, not just with ourselves but with the world around us. Armed with this new knowledge of yourself…what will you do? How will you use it?

You’re going to come to trust yourself (your intuition/your gut/your inner knowing) so well that it will lead you to make big life decisions, to guide your business or career and aid in building your relationships. You’re going to be looking inward more than outward (goodbye, Netflix! Hello, Shadow Work?) and it’s going to serve you well.

December 2021 Tarot Card: The Hanged Woman

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The final month of the year is actually going to be a period of pause, introspection and looking at things from a new perspective. With all the connecting to our intuition we did this fall, we’re almost overwhelmed with information and not sure what to do next.
It’s okay to be unsure of the next step. Remember that the card of the year is The Hermit, so it's okay to be introspective. It can even be helpful and where growth happens.

This chance to step outside of normal life for a while and this big perspective shift…I hope you can see it for the blessing that it is and know that when you’re ready to take the next step it will naturally happen for you and it might involve letting go of something in exchange.

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