Tarot Reader
New Year Tarot Spread For 2020

New Year Tarot Spread For 2020

With the new decade right around the corner, I thought I’d create a New Year’s spread for the Mystic Urbanist community. This New Year tarot spread is a blueprint you can try at home with your own deck, but it’s also full of wisdom for 2020.

I pulled 12 cards, one for each month of the year to create a map for us to help us navigate 2020 with grace and in total alignment with ourselves.

Also, I used the Neo Tarot deck by Jerico Mandybur which is a departure from my usual Wild Unknown Tarot deck. We’re starting off the New Year with something fresh.

As always, you can review last month’s zodiac-inspired reading as a beautiful ritual to reflect back at the last month of 2019 and your final month of that entire decade.

We share free readings with our community every, single, month so don’t miss out and subscribe to get the next one in your inbox.

You can check out the decks I own and share on my Instagram. I used the Neo Tarot deck to do this reading. Here’s what our year ahead spread looks like:


In the centre, we have our theme for the year card, the III of Wands. Right above it, we have the card representing January, 2020 and it goes around in a circle from there.

III of Wands

“My passion and grit will pay off in unimaginable ways.” - Neo Tarot book

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In 2020, our focus is going to be on working it. The wands are the young, sparky suit of passion, desire and creativity.

This card speaks to entrepreneurship, to stepping out into the unknown to make our mark on the world.

Something is blossoming in 2020 and we’re at the beginning stages of something big. Maybe even our life’s work or purpose. Keep this theme in mind as we go through the next 12 months ahead.

The Magician


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January is going to be anything but quiet. We’re going to be busy making things happen and it’s all going to just flow from us like, uh, magic!

Start off 2020 with the belief that you have no limitations. Anything you want to achieve can be done. Let it open up more possibilities for the year ahead and think, "what would I do if I knew I couldn’t fail?”

IV of Cups


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February might be slowing down for us. We might think, “I worked so hard in January and made things happen but none of it meant anything,” and be tempted to throw a pity party for ourselves.

The IV of Cups speaks to a perceived lack of emotional fulfillment. Check back over how you spent your time and energy in January and make adjustments.

Anything that doesn’t fit with this year’s theme of the III of Wands has to go. We don’t have time for it where we’re heading.

Judgement Tarot Card


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In March we’re going to meet the Judgement energy. All the emotional dissatisfaction you felt in February is going to lead you to this — an important self-realization.

You’re going to course-correct like you never have before and then be zooming off on your way to accomplish those goals you envision in your III of Wands theme.

II of Pentacles


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I like to think of this card as: “the one where we attempted to find work/life balance.”

Pentacles represent money, finances, our home, our material belongings, our career and the actual skills we use to bring money into our house.

In April, we’re going to be doing a money dance and seeing how far we can push ourselves in our hustle while still supporting ourselves. Maintaining that vision of the III of Wands while making time for practical things and those impractical human things we all need now and then.

King of Wands


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As summer reaches its fever pitch in May, we’re going to feel like we’ve made big strides in our goals. This is the ultimate masculine fulfilled expression of the suit of wands, the suit that’s our goal and theme of the year.

Expect opportunities, expect to step into a leadership role and expect to be the boss. Even if you’re working alone on your own little project, there are ways you can tap into this masculine, fiery and commanding energy.

IV of Pentacles


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This is the second “four” card we have in our year. We’re going to have to encounter and work through the way we see things like money, finances and our emotional connections to them.

It might feel like you don’t have enough or that you need more in June when it comes to money, but this is actually your invitation to soften and let go of your attachment to the dollar bills.

Bonus: once you do let go, you often get more money anyway as a result of being totally aligned with the universe.

IX of Swords


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We are often our own biggest critics. The IV of Swords shows someone plagued by their own dark thoughts, limitations and fears. The danger of failure, of not being enough feels very real even though it’s illusory.

Use this time to remind yourself that you don’t have do to it all on your own. You can get support, you deserve support, and you’re not bad or wrong for needing it.



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It’s a good thing you sought support because there’s a big change coming. The Death card, either symbolizes a paradigm change or an ego death of the self.

I have a feeling that something we’re holding on to very, very closely as a part of our identity will be shed from us next year. A cycle will be broken and it will clear the way for something new.

V of Pentacles


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Again, with the money troubles, except this time the fear feels more real and more dire. It could be a good idea to set money aside this year in the lead up to September where you’re going to really be “in it” with your money hang ups.

This feeling of loss, of not having what others have could just be leftovers from the Death card experience last month so just be gentle to yourself. Treat yourself like a small child: get enough sleep, eat good foods, have time for play.

IX of Cups


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After encountering the feeling of lack and not having enough emotional fulfillment in your life earlier this year, October is going to bring a sense of calm and achievement. That achievement comes in part form being really clear on what your goals and desires were in the first place.

You’re going to feel like you DO have enough. Like you have all you need to get by in this world and that’s such a huge success and a lot of growth compared to the start of the year.

The High Priestess


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In the middle of fall, you’re going to be at your most spiritual self. You might even find yourself withdrawing from society a bit to give yourself even more space to get clear.

The High Priestess is the feminine counterpoint to the Magician, where we started the year. Where the masculine is about doing, the feminine is about being. Spend more time connecting to those feminine aspects of yourself.

X of Swords


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In December, consider the lesson of the X of Wands card. Even our best laid plans can come undone. Even things we work hard on and tie our sense of identity to can fail.

And that’s ok.

It’s not the end, although, it might feel like it at the time. There’s more to the story than that.

Want to read your own tarot cards? Try my favourite “I can’t even” spread for a fun way to use your deck.

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