Tarot Reader
What is sisterhood?

What is sisterhood?

Sisterhood means being in a heart-centred community with your sisters. It’s where through sharing, communing, and mirroring — the group is made whole and yet transformed. It’s a safe space, a third-place to land, where you can share what’s on your heart openly and without judgment or reproach. The container created when like-minded women come together is a cauldron where our emotions can bubble together alchemizing into something new.

But that’s enough of the metaphors, I want to share with you the piece that sisterhood played in my own personal journey of self-love, healing, and softening.

Ahead of the full launch of Rising Sessions Secret Circle, I thought it would be pertinent to share why I think sisterhood is an important piece of your self-care and how it helped me in my own life. Learn more about our sisterhood supported with tarot and energy healing now.

My journey to sisterhood

Hardly anyone knows this about me, but my secret motivation that drives me on a path of self-love and acceptance is actually...

A father wound. Sorry if that’s *Super Basic* but it’s the truth.

I first sought out “real healing” when I joined a one-day women’s workshop about conscious relationships. I thought, “this is great! I will learn how to “fix” what’s “wrong” with my relationship with my partner and then I’ll stop feeling so bad.”

“There must be some missing piece that I’m not getting but it’ll all click into place, right?” 

You can see where this is going...

In the workshop, we did diad exercises where we sat across from another workshop participant and stared deeply into their eyes, sitting so close that we’re practically touching.

The exercise was to peer into this person’s eyes, into their soul, and speak.

The directives were to speak like you were talking to your DAD. And you would start your sentence off with “Dad, something that I want you to know is….” And you would just keep staring, and speaking, and repeating the prompt filling it with what’s on your heart.

So to do this exercise was weird, and I opened my mouth to speak and literally, nothing came out. Just like gasping and crying and then finally wailing. I couldn’t do the exercise at all. I was split open, raw, and I had no *logical* reason of why that was. This didn’t make sense. How could I feel such strong and intense feelings about something like this...there’s no reason to? Suddenly out of nowhere...there was this immense sense of grief, loss, sadness. It was so strong. I felt haunted. Supernaturally sad. Like I was holding the collective sadness of every person with a father wound and I was a bottomless ocean of thick, dark, heavy, sticky grief.

So I didn’t leave that workshop with the keys to fixing my relationship! Haha.

But I did leave with some more knowledge of myself, I was so triggered by that diad exercise where I had to talk to my “dad” that I knew I needed to seek out more information about that. Needed more support. 

How does sisterhood work?

I connected with a coach and ended up receiving 1-1 coaching with her while I participated in her sisterhood circle.

I went every Tuesday to sisterhood circle where for two hours we sat in a circle on the floor and shared. We shared things that happened recently, things that happened in our past, and whatever we were “working on” at the time. We did exercises together, laughed and danced, meditated, and mused. 

I think it was my very first sisterhood circle, the thing I shared was a traumatic experience from my childhood related to my father wound.  I just needed to get it off my chess. I don’t ever remember talking about it before, but I shared what I did remember through tears. It just came out.

And then I was ok. And then I started to move and shift other bits and pieces around. Eventually, I learned to dissolve and soften the edges of my anxiety. I learned to see other people as mirrors, I learned to take back my projections, I learned that there’s information, medicine, and healing in even the smallest of interactions. I learned how to hold space for myself, to be my own parent through inner child work and teach myself that I was ok and everything was going to be alright and that I was doing a great job.

Meanwhile, in the 3D world, I was becoming financially healthier, obtaining jobs and promotions that were previously just dreams. My relationship was improving, but most importantly of all, I just felt better. I felt more at home in my body. I felt like I understood myself more, knew what my needs were and learned how to support myself. I learned to advocate for myself, that I was in control of my life and how I spent my time, money, energy...all of it.

How sisterhood helps you heal

In sisterhood, in sharing what’s on my heart in a judgment-free zone, I was transformed. Even when you’re sitting quietly listening, you are transforming. You can see yourself in the other women, see yourself in their stories and there’s medicine, healing, advice, and goodness in their tales for you. 

We learn that we’re not that unique at all, that we all experience fears, loneliness, sadness. We learn to celebrate our successes and feel deep happiness for others, and not seeing their successes as our losses, dissolving that scarcity mentality of there’s not enough for the both of us so your success detracts from mine. There’s room for all of us at the top, after all.

And it’s one thing to intellectually know that, it’s entirely another to feel it. To be unflappable about it. And the magic in seeing something that used to trigger you become smaller, manageable, or even like water on your back, is incredible.

So if you want to learn more about sisterhood, send me a note at sarah.anderson@mysticrose.co and I will tell you more.

Also, if you feel called to join me for Rising Sessions Secret Circle next month for Tarot, Energy Healing, and sisterhood — you won’t be disappointed.

Our special bonuses are ending soon: sign up before September 1 and you’ll get FREE 1-1 healing session with both me and Ryan from Energy with Ryan.

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